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Storeroom Function Lockset -

Storeroom locks have to be locked or unlocked by a key on the knob or lever outside. It automatically locks upon closing so the door is never left unlocked. This inside requires no key for exit. ​

Privacy Function Lockset -

Privacy locks are often found in restrooms and offices. No key or lock cylinder is necessary. They lock on the inside by a button being pushed on the knob or lever. The outside does not lock. In an emergency, they can be opened from the outside.


Classroom Function Lockset -

Classroom locks require a key be locked and unlocked from the outside.  The inside requires no key.

Entrance Function Lockset –

Entrance locks are the most commonly found locks in homes and interior business doors. They are usually locked from the inside by a button that is turned or pushed and can be unlocked with a key on the outside. 

Depending on the type of business you run, there is an appropriate lockset that function uniquely for your type of business. Once you have decided the style of lock you want your business should choose the correct lockset for the purpose you want to achieve. Several types of locksets are described below:

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Asylum Function Lockset -

Asylum locks are rather uncommon and have lock cylinders on both the inside and the outside. A key is required to enter or exit from the inside and the outside.

A good commercial locksmith will be able to obtain whatever lockset you require for your business through their supply connections and install it expertly.please read for more information about commercial locksmith in clearwater

Passage Function Lockset –

Passage locksets have a lever or knob on both sides of the door and a latch is required to keep the door closed. No key or lock is necessary.